Is low blood pressure really as bad for you as high blood pressure?

Dr Paul Zollinger-Read, Medical Director CBE slays the medical myths on blood pressure.

A hypnotherapy app for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Dr Paul Zollinger-Read, Medical Director CBE reviews the success of a new app for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

The effectiveness of using CT to investigate patients with suspected heart disease

Dr Paul Zollinger-Read, Medical Director CBE reviews research from the BMJ on the effectiveness of using CT to investigate patients with suspected heart disease. 

What does fasting do for your health?

Dr Paul Zollinger-Read, Medical Director CBE explores recent research on whether intermittent starvation is good for us.

How great is the link between ultra-processed food and colon cancer?

Dr Paul Zollinger-Read, Medical Director CBE reviews the latest research in the BMJ looking at our diets and the impact it has on our health.

Are multi-vitamins beneficial to your brain health?

Dr Paul Zollinger-Read, Medical Director CBE explores recent research from New Scientist on the impact of vitamins on brain health.