Formally known as ISAS (Imaging Services Accreditation Scheme), the UKAS accreditation to the Quality Standard for Imaging (QSI) is an independent assessment of an organisation’s competence. It has been developed by the Royal College of Radiologists and the College of Radiographers to support diagnostic imaging services to make continuous improvements to ensure that patients consistently receive high-quality services delivered by competent staff working in safe environments.
The accreditation articulates the expectations of good imaging, international radiology and teleradiology services. It reflects wide consultation and valuable comments and suggestions received from professional colleagues and relevant UK government agencies and regulatory bodies.
To meet the UKAS QSI requirements of an accredited service, we are reviewed against:
- Leadership and management
- Patient experience
- Facilities, resources and workforce
- Clinical
- Safety
It is against this standard that Medical Imaging Partnership’s services are evaluated for their performance. By meeting this standard, we can be assured that a quality management system and culture are embedded across our service.
Some of our services have been inspected and some are pending.
For a list of our services that have received the QSI accreditation to date, please visit the UKAS website.