Team Profile

Barbara Barber

Nullam placerat volutpat pulvinar suspendisse sapien ante.

Phasellus vehicula, nibh id consequat fringilla, nunc nisi pellentesque ligula, quis ultrices lorem massa a metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque pretium aliquam ultricies.

   Team Profile

Barbara Barber

Nullam placerat volutpat pulvinar suspendisse sapien ante.

Phasellus vehicula, nibh id consequat fringilla, nunc nisi pellentesque ligula, quis ultrices lorem massa a metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque pretium aliquam ultricies.

Mauris tellus odio

Etiam eu metus eu nulla ultricies iaculis quis at metus. Praesent finibus libero odio, eu fringilla arcu lobortis sed. Curabitur dapibus elementum erat ut malesuada. Nulla purus dui, pulvinar et massa ac, vestibulum lobortis ligula.

Donec ultricies

Maecenas fringilla mi urna, a placerat odio tristique vitae. Fusce et nisi blandit arcu finibus dapibus vel eget ipsum. Nullam iaculis euismod turpis. Vestibulum non nisi euismod, ultricies tortor quis, laoreet leo.

Class aptent taciti

Fusce iaculis diam nec rutrum efficitur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nunc porta cursus quam. Cras ut leo ornare, congue nisl ut, interdum ante.

Quisque tempus ipsum odio, ac vulputate dolor consectetur in. Donec eu nulla euismod nisi hendrerit maximus.

Making an appointment

Scans for NHS patients 

If you are an NHS patient and would like to have a diagnostic scan at a Medical Imaging Partnership site or centres, you will need a referral from your GP or health professional.

Medical Imaging Partnership also works in partnership with a number of NHS providers supporting them in the delivery of their diagnostic requests. They may have transferred your care to us and we will be in touch with you to arrange a convenient time, date and location for us to undertake your investigation.

Learn more

Booking an appointment for a private scan or procedure 

Our services are available to patients with private medical insurance, or those who wish to self-pay.

Private appointments are available at short notice and any scan reports are usually turned around within 24-48 hours.

If you would like to make a private appointment, please complete our General Enquiry and Appointment Form or call us on 01293 534 043.

You will need written referral from a healthcare professional for most scans at Medical Imaging Partnership. If you do not have a referral, please contact our team who will be happy to discuss your options.

    General Enquiry and Appointment Form

    Whether you have a general enquiry or are enquiring about making an appointment, we'd love to hear from you. Please complete the form below, or you can call us on

    01293 534 043

    Tel: 01293 534 043

    Medical Imaging Partnership Ltd.
    Unit 7, The Pavilions, Brighton Road, Pease Pottage, Crawley,
    West Sussex RH11 9BJ